Thursday, March 4, 2021

Meet Lucy!

...and this is Lucy, Maya's best friend with who she shares everything. Maya and Lucy are partners in crime. Like peanut butter and jelly. Water to her Ocean. Glaze to the Donut. Do you get it now? They are like sisters. 

But even though their intense love for each other, they are quite different. Just like in Maya's post, we also created a mood board for Lucy that further analyses her character.

In contrast to Maya, Lucy is more of a bold person. One of the more technical ways we will be introducing that sense of wildness and 'danger' in her is by the color scheme chosen. In different to Maya, she is bolder, where we chose the colors green and purple. Green in media often represents power and danger; in this case, Lucy is very dangerous in the sense that she is not afraid to speak her mind and act upon it. She is the only person that makes Maya get out of her comfort zone, which is why they are best friends. The color purple is also a bold color, but more because of a hidden meaning that is discovered later in the movie. The color purple often means fantasy. As previously discussed, Lucy is a product of Maya's imagination in order to cope with her damage. Using the color purple will define and give a hint to the viewers about that hidden message.

Moving on, physically Lucy also stands out from the rest. She is a girl with dark features and a pop of color, red, on her hair, which makes her stand out from the rest (BOLD!!!) Moreover, she and Maya are also similar in some aspects which makes them so compatible. Not only;y they both like to exercise, but they also, don't hold a very healthy relationship with their parents. In the case of Lucy, her parents are almost never home due to traveling. They have to work most of the time, which makes them never be home. Unfortunately, it is an adding situation to be in, but fortunately, they have each other to help deal with it. Also talking about building a healthy life, they both like to exercise. As mentioned previously, Maya likes to exercise because it helps her get her mind out of her stresses, but in this case, Lucy loves to exercise because it makes her stronger and better. She is very competitive and likes to win always.

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     With both happiness from the outcome of the project and sorrow for it being over, I present you the final part of my project: My CCR . ...