In a post I have recently written, I spoke about the science behind the title: its meaning and hidden secrets. Today, I will be showing you the fonts we have decided to use.
Our film correlates with the struggle of a person, Maya. She seems very simple and rather normal from the outside, but once you dig deeper, you discover the experiences she has been through. For our title and the fonts used, we wanted to describe that, and describe the movie as well.
As seen on the left, those are some of the fonts that we have been working with. And yes, they all look very similar, BUT they are all different and they all illustrate a different tone to the viewer. After many discussions deciding which one to use, we narrowed it down to three. The first, second, and sixth. These were our top fonts for many reasons:1) First of all we focused on the simplicity of it. Like I explained before, our movie might seem very simple at first gland, but once the story starts to unfold itself, the viewer will start to connect the dots and discover hidden meanings and statements that make this movie great. The simplicity of the title is what gives it the tone that we wish to give out.
2) The style of the lettering. There's one thing that all these fonts have in common. That's the length of the letters. This gives it a more modern view of the film. These are classic fonts that no matter the genre, they would never go wrong.
3) And lastly, we knew that we wanted to hide one more meaning in the way the title was written in. As seen in the sixth font, the 'A' is missing the middle line. The font not only gives it a very refined look to the movie, which connects with our main audience, but also since the A is missing that middle line, it shows the hidden secrets that Lucy is not Alive, and rather just a product of Maya's brain to cope with her depression.
Even though we are still not 100% sure that that will be our final font choice, it seems as the best choice for us now.
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